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EIC Transition challenge: Molokai

Full Name: Mode Locking for Advanced Sensing and Imaging

Duration: 1/8/2024-31/7/2027


  • UGent
  • MBI
  • SuperLight Photonics BV
  • Ibsen Photonics AS


  • Our goal is to increase the production of the InP-on-SiN source at the C-band to a wafer scale, develop and commercialize evaluation kits that include the necessary electronics and software to control the chip-comb generators and continue developing single and dual-comb sources for the end-users.

INTEC's Role:

  • UGent is coordinating the project, and leading teh following activities:1) improving the fabrication yield of InP-based mode-locked lasers and validating their performance, 2) developing a chip-size dual-comb laser source with an integrated coherent receiver, 3) developing the GaAs-Based dual comb system at NIR wavelengths

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