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Authors: J. Haes, R. Baets, C.M. Weinert, M. Gravert, H.P. Nolting, M. Adelaide Andrade, A. Leite, H.K. Bissessur, J.B. Davies, R.D. Ettinger, J. Ctyroky, E. Ducloux, F. Ratovelomanana, N. Vodjana, S. Helfert, R. Pregla, F.H. Wijnands, H.J. Hoekstra, G.J. Krijnen
Title: A comparison between different propagative schemes for the simulation of tapered step index slab waveguides
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 6/1996
Journal/Conference/Book: IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, Special Issue on Multiwavelength Optical Technology and Networks
Editor/Publisher: ISSN 0733-8724/96, 
Volume(Issue): 14(6) p.1557-1569
Internal Reference: [O-368]
DOI: 10.1109/50.511687
Citations: 23 ( - last update: 21/7/2024)
15 (OpenCitations - last update: 26/4/2024)
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