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Authors: K. Quang Le, R. Godoy-Rubio, P. Bienstman, G. Ronald Hadley
Title: The complex Jacobi iterative method for three-dimensional wide-angle beam propagation
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 10/2008
Journal/Conference/Book: Optics Express
Volume(Issue): 16(21) p.17021-17030
DOI: 10.1364/oe.16.017021
Citations: 21 ( - last update: 9/3/2025)
18 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2025)
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A new complex Jacobi iterative technique adapted for the solution of three-dimensional (3D) wide-angle (WA) beam propagation is presented. The beam propagation equation for analysis of optical propagation in waveguide structures is based on a novel modified Padé(1,1) approximant operator, which gives evanescent waves the desired damping. The resulting approach allows more accurate approximations to the true Helmholtz equation than the standard Padé approximant operators. Furthermore, a performance comparison of the traditional direct matrix inversion and this new iterative technique for WA-beam propagation method is reported. It is shown that complex Jacobi iteration is faster and better-suited for large problems or structures than direct matrix inversion.

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