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Authors: L. Vivien, J. Osmond, D. Marris-Morino, P. Crozat, E. Cassan, J.-M. Fedeli, S. Brision, JF. Damlencourt, V. Mazzochi, D. Van Thourhout, J. Brouckaert
Title: European HELIOS Project: Silicon Photonic Photodetector Integration
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 9/2009
Journal/Conference/Book: 6th IEEE International Conference on Group IV Photonics (invited)
Volume(Issue): p.WB1
Location: San Francisco, United States
DOI: 10.1109/group4.2009.5338308
Citations: 9 ( - last update: 21/7/2024)
4 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2024)
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We report recent experimental results of two kinds of photodetectors developed in the framework of the European project HELIOS: InAlAs–InGaAs metal–semiconductor–metal photodetectors and germanium photodetectors.

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