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Authors: J. Van Campenhout, M. Pantouvaki, P. Verheyen, H. Yu, P. De Heyn, G. Lepage, W. Bogaerts, P. Absil
Title: Silicon-Photonics Devices for Low-Power, High-Bandwidth Optical I/O
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 4/2012
Journal/Conference/Book: Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon And Nano Photonics (invited)
Volume(Issue): p.paper ITu2B.1
Location: Colorado Springs, United States
DOI: 10.1364/iprsn.2012.itu2b.1
Citations: 3 ( - last update: 21/7/2024)
3 (OpenCitations - last update: 10/5/2024)
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Electro-optic transceivers integrated in silicon photonics interposers are attractive for realizing low-power high-bandwidth Optical I/O for future advanced logic and memory. We review recent results obtained at imec on low-voltage silicon ring modulators and Ge photodetectors.

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