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Authors: H. Yu, M. Pantouvaki, J. Van Campenhout, K. Komorowska, P. Dumon, P. Verheyen, G. Lepage, P. Absil, D. Korn, D. Hillerkuss, J. Leuthold, R. Baets, W. Bogaerts
Title: Silicon carrier-depletion-based mach-zehnder and ring modulators with different doping patterns for telecommunication and optical interconnect
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: 7/2012
Journal/Conference/Book: 14th International Conference on Transparant Optical Networks (ICTON 2012) (invited)
Volume(Issue): p.paper Th.A4.3
Location: Coventry, United Kingdom
DOI: 10.1109/icton.2012.6254461
Citations: 2 ( - last update: 21/7/2024)
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In this paper, we review our progress on carrier-depletion-based silicon modulator. The lateral and the
interdigitated PN junctions are optimized and then compared systematically. The comparison helps us to choose
a proper doping pattern for 40 Gbit/s modulation with MZ structure and travelling wave electrode. Ring
modulators with both doping patterns are able to work at 10 Gbit/s with 0.5 Vpp driving voltage. We also reduce
the size of ring modulator by utilizing an asymmetrical waveguide.

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