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Authors: A. Hope, T.G. Nguyen, A. Mitchell, W. Bogaerts
Title: Quantitative analysis of TM lateral leakage in foundry fabricated silicon rib waveguides
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 2/2016
Journal/Conference/Book: Photonics Technology Letters
Volume(Issue): 28(4) p.493-496
DOI: 10.1109/LPT.2015.2500233
Citations: 19 ( - last update: 25/8/2024)
16 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2024)
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We show that thin, shallow ridge, silicon-on-insulator waveguides exhibiting lateral leakage behaviour can be designed and fabricated using a standard silicon photonic foundry platform. We analyse the propagation loss through observation of the transmitted TM polarized guided mode and TE polarized radiation and experimentally demonstrate that propagation losses as low as 0.087 dB/mm can be achieved. This demonstration will open a new frontier for practical devices exploiting lateral leakage behaviour with potential applications in the fields of biosensing and quantum optics among others.

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