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Authors: K. Van Gasse, Z. Wang, S. Uvin, B. De Deckere, J. Marien, L. Thomassen, G. Roelkens
Title: Ka-band to L-band frequency down-conversion based on III-V-on-silicon photonic integrated circuits
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 12/2017
Journal/Conference/Book: CEAS Space Journal
Editor/Publisher: Springer, 
Volume(Issue): 9(4) p.531-541
DOI: 10.1007/s12567-017-0179-z
Citations: 2 ( - last update: 21/7/2024)
2 (OpenCitations - last update: 27/6/2024)
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In this work, we present the design, simulation
and characterization of a frequency down-converter based
on III-V-on-silicon photonic integrated circuit technology.
We first demonstrate the concept using commercial discrete
components, after which we demonstrate frequency conversion
using an integrated mode-locked laser and integrated
modulator. In our experiments, five channels in the Ka-band
(27.5-30 GHz) with 500 MHz bandwidth are down-converted
to the L-band (1.5 GHz). The breadboard demonstration
shows a conversion efficiency of − 20 dB and a flat
response over the 500 MHz bandwidth. The simulation of
a fully integrated circuit indicates that a positive conversion
gain can be obtained on a millimeter-sized photonic
integrated circuit.

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