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Authors: R. Baets
Title: Silicon photonics enabled Laser Doppler Vibrometry and its application in cardiovascular medicine
Format: International Conference Presentation
Publication date: 9/2019
Journal/Conference/Book: Optical Measurement Techniques for Systems and Structures (OPTIMESS) (invited)
Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar


Silicon photonics enables the miniaturization and cost down-scaling of LDV devices, such that they can be widely used in medical practice. In this presentation efforts towards the design, construction and testing of such devices will be reported, along with results from several clinical feasibility studies, using these devices, with focus on pulse wave velocity, stenosis and heart dyssynchrony. These results were obtained in the Horizon2020 CARDIS project (2015-2019), executed by Medtronic, IMEC and partners.

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