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Authors: A. Curto
Title: Excitons in nanophotonic landscapes: fluctuating, diffusing, annihilating
Format: International Conference Presentation
Publication date: 3/2023
Journal/Conference/Book: SPIE Photonics West OPTO (invited)
Location: San Francisco, United States
DOI: 10.1117/12.2653910
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar


Excitons in atomically thin semiconductors are sensitive to their electronic and photonic environments. Therefore, they exhibit rich exciton dynamics. They are confined in the vertical direction while extending and diffusing along the atomically thin plane. Excitons can also interact with each other, notably to reduce light emission at high densities through exciton-exciton annihilation. Furthermore, their fluorescence is affected by their nanoscopic environment. Here we present our experimental and theoretical results on the fluctuation, diffusion, and annihilation of excitons near nanostructures. Our results have implications for exciton-based sensors, single-photon sources based on 2D materials, and efficient and high-power light-emitting devices.

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