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Journal Publications  of Bram De Geyter

Most cited publications of Bram De Geyter

467 Size-tunable, bright, and stable PbS quantum dots: A surface chemistry study,
I. Moreels, Y. Justo, B. De Geyter, K. Haustraete, J. C. Martins, Z. Hens,
ACS Nano, 5(3), p.2004-2012 doi:10.1021/nn103050w (2011)
135 Tuning the Postfocused Size of Colloidal Nanocrystals by the Reaction Rate: From Theory to Application,
S. Abé, R. K. Capek, B. De Geyter, Z. Hens,
ACS Nano, ASAP, doi:10.1021/nn204008q (2011)
122 PbTe|CdTe core|shell particles by cation exchange, a HR-TEM study,
K. Lambert, B. De Geyter, I. Moreels, Z. Hens,
Chemistry of Materials, 21(5), p.778-780 doi:10.1021/cm8029399 (2009)
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88 Quantum rod emission coupled to plasmonic lattice resonances: A collective directional source of polarized light,
S.R.K. Rodriguez, G. Lozano, M.A. Verschuuren, R. Gomes, K. Lambert, B. De Geyter, A. Hassinen, D. Van Thourhout, Z. Hens, J. Gómez Rivas,
Applied Physics Letters, 100(11), p.111103 doi:10.1063/1.3693397 (2012)
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86 The Different Nature of Band Edge Absorption and Emission in Colloidal PbSe/CdSe Core/Shell Quantum Dots,
B. De Geyter, Y. Justo, I. Moreels, K. Lambert, P. F. Smet, D. Van Thourhout, A. J. Houtepen, D. Grodzinska, C. de Mello Donega, A. Meijerink, D. Vanmaekelbergh, Z. Hens,
ACS Nano, 5(1), p.58-66 doi:10.1021/nn102980e (2010)
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All Publications of Bram De Geyter

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