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Journal Publications  of Herbert D'heer

Most cited publications of Herbert D'heer

54 A compact all-silicon temperature insensitive filter for WDM and bio-sensing applications,
S. Dwivedi, H. D'heer, W. Bogaerts,
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters , 25(22), p.2167 - 2170 doi:10.1109/LPT.2013.2282715 (2013)
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31 Maximizing fabrication and thermal tolerances of all-silicon FIR wavelength filtering devices,
S. Dwivedi, H. D'heer, W. Bogaerts,
Photonics Technology Letters , 27(8), p.871-874 doi:10.1109/LPT.2015.2398464 (2015)
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11 EWOD system designed for optical switching,
S. Günther, C. Endrödy, S. Si, S. Weinberger, R. Claes, Y. Justo, H. D'heer, A. Neft, M. Hoffmann,
IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, United States, p.1329-1332 doi:10.1109/memsys.2017.7863665 (2017)
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9 Non-volatile Liquid Controlled Adiabatic Silicon Photonics Switch,
H. D'heer, C. Lerma Arce, S. Vandewiele, J. Watté, K. Huybrechts, R. Baets, D. Van Thourhout,
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 35(14), p.2948-2954 doi:10.1109/JLT.2017.2705284 (2017)
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7 A 16 x 16 Non-Volatile Silicon Photonic Switch Circuit,
H. D'heer, S. Kumar, C. Lerma Arce, M. Detaille, G. Lepage, P. Verheyen, J. Watte, D. Van Thourhout,
IEEE Photonics Technologies Letters, 30(13), United States, p.1258 - 1261 doi:10.1109/LPT.2018.2842644 (2018)
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All Publications of Herbert D'heer

Most cited publications of Herbert D'heer (since 2019)

3 Broadband and Temperature Tolerant Silicon Nitride Liquid Controlled Waveguide Coupler,
H. D'heer, S. Kumar, C. Lerma Arce, S. Tuccio, S. Clemmen, S. Lenci, A. Stassen, Jan Watte, D. Van Thourhout,
Journal of Lightwave Technologies, 37(10), p.2311-2316 doi:10.1109/JLT.2019.2902113 (2019)
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