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Authors: B. Maes, M. Fiers, P. Bienstman
Title: Self-pulsing and chaos in short chains of coupled nonlinear microcavities
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 9/2009
Journal/Conference/Book: Physical Review A
Volume(Issue): 80 p.033805
DOI: 10.1103/physreva.80.033805
Citations: 51 ( - last update: 2/3/2025)
39 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2025)
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We examine time-domain instabilities in short chains of coupled Kerr-nonlinear resonators. We show that a
large parameter region of self-pulsing or chaotic behavior can be realized. We give a detailed description of the possible states in systems with two and three cavities, using phenomenological coupled-mode equations and rigorous simulations. A particular geometry can exhibit a rich range of dynamics, dependent on input conditions. A clear link with the linear transmission properties is shown. This system complements the studies of the nonlinear Bragg reflector and electrons in a nonlinear lattice. Unlike the Bragg grating case, we observe wide detuning ranges that exhibit self-pulsing without first going through a bistable transition.

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