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Prof. dr. ir. Bjorn Maes  (Guest Professor)

This person worked in the group from 2001 till 2016.

Affiliation: University of Mons
Faculty of Science
Phone: +32-6-537 3385
PhD Thesis: Bjorn Maes, Modellering van niet-lineaire nanofotonische componenten gebaseerd op fotonische kristallen, Modeling of Nonlinear Nanophotonic Components Based on Photonic Crystals, 5/2005
Bjorn Maes received the engineering degree in applied physics in 2001 from Ghent University, Belgium. In 2005 he obtained the PhD degree from the Photonics Research Group at the same university. During 2005-2006 he spent one year as a postdoctoral associate at the Joannopoulos research group at MIT. In 2006-2010 he was an FWO postdoctoral fellow at the Photonics Research Group of Ghent University. In September 2010 he became professor at the Faculty of Science of the University of Mons.

His research interests include the numerical and theoretical modeling of nanophotonic devices and integrated circuits. More specifically he is working on the physics of plasmonics, photonic crystals, light emission and solar cells.

Specific Research Topics

Graduated PhDs

Publications (86)

    International Journals

  1. A. Abass, Ph. Gutsche, B. Maes, C. Rockstuhl, E. R. Martins, Insights into directional scattering: from coupled dipoles to asymmetric dimer nanoantennas, Optics Express, 24(17), p.19638-19650 doi:10.1364/oe.24.019638 (2016)  Download this Publication (3.8MB).
  2. A. Abass, S. Rodriguez, T. Ako, T. Aubert, M.A. Verschurren, D. Van Thourhout, J. Beeckman, Z. Hens, J. Gomez-Rivas, B. Maes, Active Liquid Crystal Tuning of Metallic Nanoantenna Enhanced Light Emission from Colloidal Quantum Dots, Nano Letters, 14, p.5555-5560 doi:10.1021/nl501955e (2014)  Download this Publication (2.5MB).
  3. A. Abass, S.R.K. Rodriguez, J. Gomez Rivas, B. Maes, Tailoring Dispersion and Eigenfield Profiles of Plasmonic Surface Lattice Resonances, ACS Photonics, 1(1), p.61-68 doi:10.1021/ph400072z (2014)  Download this Publication (4.2MB).
  4. M. Fiers, E. Lambert, S. Pathak, P. Dumon, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, W. Bogaerts, Improving the design cycle for nanophotonic components, Journal of Computational Science, 4(5), p.313-324 doi:10.1016/j.jocs.2013.05.008 (2013)  Download this Publication (2.9MB).
  5. A. Abass, C. Trompoukis, S. Leyre, M. Burgelman, B. Maes, Modeling combined coherent and incoherent scattering structures for light trapping in solar cells, Journal of Applied Physics, 114, p.033101 doi:10.1063/1.4813102 (2013)  Download this Publication (3.7MB).
  6. B. Maes, J. Petracek, S. Burger, P. Kwiecien, J. Luksch, I. Richter, Simulations of high-Q optical nanocavities with a gradual 1D bandgap, Optics Express, 21(6), p.6794 doi:10.1364/oe.21.006794 (2013)  Download this Publication (1MB).
  7. Bjoern Niesen, Barry P. Rand, Pol Van Dorpe, David Cheyns, H. Shen, B. Maes, Paul Heremans, Near-Field Interactions between Metal Nanoparticle Surface Plasmons and Molecular Excitons in Thin-Films. Part I: Absorption, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 116, p.24206-24214 doi:10.1021/jp305892e (2012)  Download this Publication (2.3MB).
  8. H. Shen, B. Maes, Enhanced optical transmission through tapered metallic gratings, Applied Physics Letters, 100(24), p.241104 doi:10.1063/1.4729005 (2012)  Download this Publication (798KB).
  9. R. Morarescu, H. Shen, R. A. L. Vallee, B. Maes, B. Kolaric, P. Damman, Exploiting the localized surface plasmon modes in gold triangular nanoparticles for sensing applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry, doi:10.1039/c2jm30944k (2012)  Download this Publication (959KB).
  10. A. Abass, K. Quang Le, A. Alu, M. Burgelman, B. Maes, Dual-interface gratings for broadband absorption enhancement in thin-film solar cells, Physical Review B, 85(11), p.115449 doi:10.1103/physrevb.85.115449 (2012)  Download this Publication (1.1MB).
  11. K. Quang Le, A. Abass, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Andrea Alu, Comparing plasmonic and dielectric gratings for absorption enhancement in thin-film organic solar cells, Optics Express, 20(S1), p.A39-A50 doi:10.1364/oe.20.000a39 (2012)  Download this Publication (1.2MB).
  12. S. Rodriguez, A. Abass, B. Maes, O.T.A. Janssen, G. Vecchi, J. Gomez Rivas, Coupling Bright and Dark Plasmonic Lattice Resonances, Physical Review X, 1(2), p.021019 doi:10.1103/physrevx.1.021019 (2011)  Download this Publication (1.1MB).
  13. H. Shen, B. Maes, Combined plasmonic gratings in organic solar cells, Optics Express, 19(S6), p.A1202–A1210 doi:10.1364/OE.19.0A1202 (2011)  Download this Publication (1.4MB).
  14. J. Roels, B. Maes, W. Bogaerts, R. Baets, D. Van Thourhout, Parametric instability of an integrated micromechanical oscillator by means of active optomechanical feedback, Optics Express, 19(14), p.13081-13088 doi:10.1364/oe.19.013081 (2011)  Download this Publication (3.4MB).
  15. A. Abass, H. Shen, P. Bienstman, B. Maes, Angle insensitive enhancement of organic solar cells using metallic gratings, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, p.023111 doi:10.1063/1.3533980 (2011)  Download this Publication (1.6MB).
  16. Bjoern Niesen, Barry P. Rand, Pol Van Dorpe, H. Shen, B. Maes, Jan Genoe, Paul Heremans, Excitation of multiple dipole surface plasmon resonances in spherical silver nanoparticles, Optics Express, 18(18), p.19032-19038 doi:10.1364/OE.18.019032 (2010)  Download this Publication (1.2MB).
  17. T. Pinheiro-Ortega, E. Silvestre, P. Andres, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Design of bimodal PCFs for interferometric gas sensors with high sensitivity, IEEE Sensors Journal, 10(7), p.1180-1184 doi:10.1109/jsen.2010.2046032 (2010)  Download this Publication (389KB).
  18. K. Huybrechts, G. Morthier, B. Maes, Symmetry breaking in networks of nonlinear cavities, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 27(4), p.708-713 doi:10.1364/josab.27.000708 (2010)  Download this Publication (469KB).
  19. H. Shen, P. Bienstman, B. Maes, Plasmonic absorption enhancement in organic solar cells with thin active layers, Journal of Applied Physics, 106(7), p.073109 doi:10.1063/1.3243163  (2009)  Download this Publication (474KB).
  20. B. Maes, M. Fiers, P. Bienstman, Self-pulsing and chaos in short chains of coupled nonlinear microcavities, Physical Review A, 80, p.033805 doi:10.1103/physreva.80.033805 (2009)  Download this Publication (1.1MB).
  21. J. Roels, I. De Vlaminck, L. Lagae, B. Maes, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Tunable optical forces between nanophotonic waveguides, Nature Nanotechnology, 4, p.510-513 doi:10.1038/nnano.2009.186 (2009).
  22. Z. Xu, B. Maes, X. Jiang, J.D. Joannopoulos, L. Torner, M. Soljacic, Nonlinear photonic crystals near the supercollimation point, Optics Letters, 33(15), p.1762 doi:10.1364/ol.33.001762 (2008)  Download this Publication (242KB).
  23. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, B. Hu, P. Sewell, T. Benson, Modeling comparison of second-harmonic generation, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 40(1), p.13-22 doi:10.1007/s11082-008-9217-6 (2008)  Download this Publication (402KB).
  24. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Symmetry breaking with coupled Fano resonances, Optics Express, 16(5), p.3069-3076 doi:10.1364/oe.16.003069 (2008)  Download this Publication (295KB).
  25. B. Maes, M. Ibanescu, J. Joannopoulos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Microcavities based on multimodal interference, Optics Express, 15(10), p.6268-6278 doi:10.1364/oe.15.006268 (2007)  Download this Publication (3.4MB).
  26. S.-P. Gorza, D. Taillaert, R. Baets, B. Maes, Ph. Emplit, M. Haelterman, Experimental characterization of optical-gap solitons in a one-dimensional photonic crystal made of a corrugated semiconductor planar waveguide, Physical Review B, 74, p.235327 doi:10.1103/physrevb.74.235327 (2006)  Download this Publication (389KB).
  27. B. Maes, M. Soljacic, J. Joannopoulos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, S.-P. Gorza, M. Haelterman, Switching through symmetry breaking in coupled nonlinear micro-cavities, Optics Express, 14(22), p.10678-10683  doi:10.1364/oe.14.010678 (2006)  Download this Publication (159KB).
  28. F. Morichetti, A. Melloni, J. Cap, J. Petracek, P. Bienstman, G.R.A. Priem, B. Maes, M. Lauritano, G. Bellanca, Self-phase modulation in slow-wave structures: A comparative numerical analysis, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 38(9-11), p.761-780 doi:10.1007/s11082-006-9024-x (2006)  Download this Publication (498KB).
  29. P. Vandersteegen, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Using the complex Jacobi method to simulate Kerr non-linear photonic components, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 38(1-3), p.35--44 doi:10.1007/s11082-006-0021-x (2006)  Download this Publication (154KB).
  30. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Switching in coupled nonlinear photonic crystal resonators, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 22(8), p.1778-1784 doi:10.1364/josab.22.001778 (2005)  Download this Publication (283KB).
  31. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Modeling second-harmonic generation by use of mode expansion, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 22(7), p.1378-1383 doi:10.1364/josab.22.001378 (2005)  Download this Publication (301KB).
  32. G. Van der Sande, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, J. Danckaert, R. Baets, I. Veretennicoff, Nonlinear lattice model for spatially guided solitons in nonlinear photonic crystals, Optics Express, 13(5), p.1544-1554 doi:10.1364/opex.13.001544 (2005)  Download this Publication (125KB).
  33. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Bloch modes and self-localized waveguides in nonlinear photonic crystals, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 22(3), p.613-619 doi:10.1364/josab.22.000613 (2005)  Download this Publication (538KB).
  34. G.R.A. Priem, I. Notebaert, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, G. Morthier, R. Baets, Design of all-optical nonlinear functionalities based on resonators, IEEE Journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, 10(5), p.1070-1078 doi:10.1109/jstqe.2004.835314 (2004)  Download this Publication (1.1MB).
  35. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Modeling of kerr nonlinear photonic components with mode expansion, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 36(1/3), p.15-24 doi:10.1023/b:oqel.0000015627.57555.a0 (2004)  Download this Publication (396KB).
      International Conferences

    1. A. Abass, B. Maes, Light trapping with combined photonic elements, 79th Annual Meeting of the DPG and DPG-Fruhjahrstagung of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM), Germany, p.HL 48.4 (2015)  Download this Publication (612KB).
    2. A. Abass, S.R.K. Rodriguez, J. Gomez Rivas, B. Maes, Tunability of plasmonic surface lattice resonances via experiments and numerical mode analysis, OWTNM 2014, France, p.O-7.3 (2014)  Download this Publication (1.8MB).
    3. A. Abass, S.R.K. Rodriguez, J. Gomez Rivas, B. Maes, Surface lattice resonances in plasmonic nanorod arrays, META, Singapore, p.241 (2014)  Download this Publication (328KB).
    4. I. Abdo, Ch. Trompoukis, A. Abass, B. Maes, R. Guindi, V. Depauw, D. Van Gestel, I. Gordon, O. El Daif, Combining Periodic Nanoimprint Lithography and Disorder for Light Trapping in Polycrystalline Silicon Solar Cells on Foreign Substrates, European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC, France, p.2626 - 2629 (2013)  Download this Publication (466KB).
    5. A. Abass, B. Maes, One pass coherent calculations to examine structures in which wave and ray optics couple, 9th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA 2013), Indonesia, (2013)  Download this Publication (1.3MB).
    6. A. Abass, B. Maes, Combining light trapping structures to enhance thin film solar cells, 9th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications (ISMOA 2013), Indonesia, (2013)  Download this Publication (841KB).
    7. J. Petracek, B. Maes, S. Burger, J. Luksch, P. Kwiecien, I. Richter, Simulation of High-Q Nanocavities with 1D Photonic Gap, ICTON 2012 (International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks) (invited), United Kingdom, p.Tu.C6.4 doi:10.1109/icton.2012.6253762 (2012)  Download this Publication (1.3MB).
    8. H. Shen, A. Abass, M. Burgelman, B. Maes, Tailored and tapered metallic gratings for enhanced absorption or transmission, ICTON 2012 (International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks) (invited), United Kingdom, p.Mo.B5.4 doi:10.1109/icton.2012.6254401 (2012)  Download this Publication (859KB).
    9. H. Shen, A. Abass, M. Burgelman, B. Maes, Thin-film solar cells with combined metallic enhancements, MINAP (Micro- and nano-photonic materials and devices) 2012, Italy, p.103-104 (2012)  Download this Publication (389KB).
    10. J. Petracek, J. Luksch, B. Maes, S. Burger, P. Kwiecien, I. Richter, Simulation of photonic crystal nanocavities using a bidirectional eigenmode propagation algorithm: a comparative study., MINAP (Micro- and nano-photonic materials and devices) 2012, Italy, p.109-112 (2012)  Download this Publication (573KB).
    11. H. Shen, B. Maes, Plasmonic enhancement in organic solar cells with metallic gratings, 16th Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photononics Benelux Chapter, (2011)  Download this Publication (359KB).
    12. K. Quang Le, A. Abass, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Andrea Alu, Using localized plasmon resonances to enhance absorption efficiency in thin-film organic solar cells, Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, United States, p.paper PThD3 doi:10.1364/pv.2011.pthd3 (2011)  Download this Publication (751KB).
    13. A. Abass, K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman, Andrea Alu, B. Maes, Marc Burgelman, Combining front and back grating structures for broadband absorption enhancement in thin-film solar cells, Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics, United States, p.paper PWC4 doi:10.1364/pv.2011.pwc4 (2011)  Download this Publication (400KB).
    14. H. Shen, B. Maes, Combined Plasmonic Gratings in Thin Organic Solar Cells, Photonics Prague 2011, Czech Republic, p.73 (2011)  Download this Publication (8KB).
    15. A. Abass, H. Shen, K. Quang Le, P. Bienstman, B. Maes, On the angular dependent nature of absorption enhancement in organic solar cells by metallic nanostructures, 8th International Symposium on Modern Optics and Its Applications, Indonesia, p.PP-07 (2011)  Download this Publication (238KB).
    16. K. Quang Le, A. Abass, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Plasmonic Nano-antennas for Absorption Enhancement in Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells, NANOMETA 2011, Austria, (2011)  Download this Publication (221KB).
    17. J. Roels, B. Maes, R. Baets, D. Van Thourhout, Integrated optomechanical circuits, Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon and Nano Photonics (IPR) 2010 (invited), United States, doi:10.1364/iprsn.2010.imf4 (2010)  Download this Publication (234KB).
    18. J. Roels, B. Maes, R. Baets, D. Van Thourhout, Silicon Optomechanics, 2010 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals (invited), Mexico, p.90-91 doi:10.1109/phosst.2010.5553665 (2010)  Download this Publication (193KB).
    19. B. Maes, A. Abass, H. Shen, P. Bienstman, Plasmonic absorption enhancement in organic photovoltaics, ICTON (invited), Germany, p.We.A2.5 doi:10.1109/icton.2010.5549053 (2010)  Download this Publication (136KB).
    20. K. Quang Le, A. Abass, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Analytical study of enhanced optical absorption of molecules near silver nanoparticles, Optical Nanostructures for Photovoltaics (PV), Germany, p.PWB5 doi:10.1364/pv.2010.pwb5 (2010)  Download this Publication (255KB).
    21. A. Abass, H. Shen, P. Bienstman, B. Maes, Increasing Polymer Solar Cell Efficiency with Triangular Silver Gratings, Optical Nanostructures for Photovoltaics (PV) (invited), Germany, p.PWA5 doi:10.1364/pv.2010.pwa5 (2010)  Download this Publication (159KB).
    22. K. Quang Le, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Numerical Study of Plasmonic Nanoparticles Enhanced Light Emission in Silicon Light-Emitting Diodes, 15th European Conference on Integrated Optics, United Kingdom, (2010)  Download this Publication (106KB).
    23. B. Maes, H. Shen, P. Bienstman, Plasmonic nanoparticle enhancement in thin organic solar cells, ICTON Mediterranean Winter - COST MP0702 workshop, France, doi:10.1109/ictonmw.2009.5385626 (2009)  Download this Publication (86KB).
    24. M. Fiers, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, Dynamics of coupled cavities for optical reservoir computing, IEEE Photonics Benelux symposium, Belgium, p.129-132 (2009)  Download this Publication (229KB).
    25. J. Roels, B. Maes, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Optical gradient dipole forces for nanophotonic devices on a silicon-on-insulator chip, Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photononics Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.21-24 (2009)  Download this Publication (296KB).
    26. H. Shen, P. Bienstman, B. Maes, Absorption enhancement in organic solar cells by metallic nanoparticles, Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Symposium of the IEEE Photononics Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.85-88 (2009)  Download this Publication (287KB).
    27. J. Roels, B. Maes, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Optical gradient force in a slot waveguide on a Silicon-on-insulator-chip, 22nd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society, Turkey, p.223-224 doi:10.1109/leos.2009.5343285 (2009)  Download this Publication (445KB).
    28. J. Roels, I. De Vlaminck, L. Lagae, B. Maes, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Optomechanical interactions between nanophotonic wires on a silicon-on-insulator-chip, Optical MEMS & Nanophotonics 2009, United States, p.33-34 doi:10.1109/omems.2009.5338609 (2009)  Download this Publication (308KB).
    29. J. Roels, I. De Vlaminck, L. Lagae, B. Maes, D. Van Thourhout, R. Baets, Attractive and repulsive optical gradient forces between silicon waveguides, Quantum Optics of Nano-and Micromechanical Systems, Germany, (2009)  Download this Publication (47KB).
    30. B. Maes, M. Fiers, P. Bienstman, Self-pulsing and chaos in networks of nonlinear resonators, 18th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS) (invited), Spain, p.345 (2009)  Download this Publication (793KB).
    31. B. Maes, M. Fiers, K. Huybrechts, G. Morthier, P. Bienstman, Dynamics and Instabilities in Series of Coupled Nonlinear Resonators, ICTON 2009 (invited), Portugal, p.We.C4.3 doi:10.1109/icton.2009.5185249 (2009)  Download this Publication (172KB).
    32. B. Maes, B. Moens, P.P.P. Debackere, P. Bienstman, A Compact Integrated Plasmonic Modulator, The 2nd European Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials, 33A, Austria, p.MON5o.1 (2009)  Download this Publication (66KB).
    33. B. Maes, K. Huybrechts, G. Morthier, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Switching with Coupled Photonic Crystal Cavities, SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures (invited), Italy, (2008)  Download this Publication (599KB).
    34. B. Maes, K. Huybrechts, G. Morthier, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Nonlinear Switching Effects in Coupled Micro-photonic Cavities, Progress In Electromagnetics Research 2008 (invited), United States, p.187 (2008)  Download this Publication (2.2MB).
    35. K. Huybrechts, B. Maes, G. Morthier, R. Baets, Tristable all-optical flip-flop using coupled nonlinear cavities, IEEE/LEOS Winter topicals, TuA1.2, Italy, p.16-17 doi:10.1109/leoswt.2008.4444377 (2008)  Download this Publication (248KB).
    36. B. Maes, M. Ibanescu, M. Soljacic, J.D. Joannopoulos, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Analysis of linear and nonlinear photonic devices using eigenmode expansion, Photonics North 2007, Proceedings of SPIE (invited), 6796, Canada, p.67963B-1 doi:10.1117/12.778957 (2007)  Download this Publication (951KB).
    37. P. Bienstman, P. Vandersteegen, B. Maes, R. Baets, Modeling methods for high-index contrast linear and non-linear nanophotonics, NUSOD 2006 (Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronics Devices) (invited), Singapore, doi:10.1109/nusod.2006.306763 (2006)  Download this Publication (76KB).
    38. P. Vandersteegen, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Simulating non-linear third order effects with the adapted complex Jacobi iteration method, 2005 IEEE/LEOS Symposium Benelux Chapter Proceedings, Belgium, p.193-196 (2005)  Download this Publication (370KB).
    39. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Efficient and rigorous modeling of second-harmonic generation including moderate pump-depletion, Proceedings of OSA Topical Meetings : Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (NLGW 05), Germany, p.ThB15 doi:10.1364/nlgw.2005.thb15 (2005)  Download this Publication (407KB).
    40. S.-P. Gorza, C. Cambournac, Ph. Emplit, M. Haelterman, D. Taillaert, B. Maes, R. Baets, Identification of gap soliton through phase measurement, Proceedings of OSA Topical Meetings : Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (NLGW 05), Germany, p.TuC4 doi:10.1364/nlgw.2005.tuc4 (2005)  Download this Publication (734KB).
    41. G. Van der Sande, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, J. Danckaert, R. Baets, I. Veretennicoff, Nonlinear lattice model for self-localized waveguides in nonlinear photonic crystals, SPIE International Congress on Optics and Optoelectronics, Poland, p.5949-22 doi:10.1117/12.623032 (2005).
    42. P. Bienstman, B. Maes, P. Vandersteegen, R. Baets, Modelling of non-linear nanophotonic devices, OWTNM (invited), Australia, p.32 (2005)  Download this Publication (498KB).
    43. B. Maes, G. Van der Sande, P. Bienstman, J. Danckaert, R. Baets, I. Veretennicoff, Self-localized Waveguides in Nonlinear Photonic Crystals, IPRA, United States, p.ITuB2 doi:10.1364/ipra.2005.itub2 (2005)  Download this Publication (608KB).
    44. G. Van der Sande, B. Maes, P. Bienstman, J. Danckaert, R. Baets, I. Veretennicoff, Semi-analytical model for spatial solitons in non-linear photonic crystals, Proceedings Symposium IEEE/LEOS Benelux Chapter, Belgium, p.303-306 (2004).
    45. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, A novel photonic crystal flip-flop device, OSA Topical Meetings : Nonlinear Guided Waves and Their Applications (proceedings available on CD-Rom), Canada, p.TUC45 doi:10.1364/nlgw.2004.tuc45 (2004).
    46. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Modeling second harmonic generation with mode expansion, OWTNM04, Belgium, p.36 (2004).
    47. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Bloch modes and self-localized waveguides in nonlinear photonic crystals, IEEE/Leos Benelux Annual Symposium 2003, Netherlands, p.233-236 (2003).
    48. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Rigorous modelling of non-linear photonic components with mode expansion and spatial index discretisation, IPR, United States, p.105-107 doi:10.1364/ipr.2003.itub2 (2003).
    49. B. Maes, P. Bienstman, R. Baets, Rigorous modelling of non-linear wavelength-scale structures with mode expansion and spatial index discretisation, OWTNM 2003 (Optical Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling), 11, Czech Republic, p.98 (2003).
    50. B. Maes, Modelling of non-linear effects in a mode expansion context, Workshop 2D photonic crystals, Switzerland, p.I-05 (2002).
        National Conferences

      1. J. Roels, B. Maes, The force of light, 10e Ugent-Firw Doctoraatssympoisum , Belgium, (2009)  Download this Publication (284KB).
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