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Authors: C. Stamatiadis, K. Vyrsokinos, L. Stampoulidis, I. Lazarou, A. Maziotis, J. Bolten, M. Karl, T. Wahlbrink, P. De Heyn, Z. Sheng, D. Van Thourhout, H. Avramopoulos
Title: Silicon-on-Insulator Nanowire Resonators for Compact and Ultra-high speed All-optical Wavelength Converters
Format: International Journal
Publication date: 9/2011
Journal/Conference/Book: Journal of Lightwave Technology
DOI: 10.1109/jlt.2011.2164781
Citations: 13 ( - last update: 21/7/2024)
8 (OpenCitations - last update: 3/5/2024)
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We present the development of application specific silicon-on-insulator SOI nanowire ring and racetrack resonators designed to assist semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA)-based all-optical wavelength conversion. We demonstrate the fabrication of fix resonance racetrack resonators exhibiting coupling gaps as low as 160 nm and tunable ring resonators with coupling gaps <90 nm. The resonators are cascaded after commercial 40 Gb/s SOAs to realize chirp filtering of the optical data signals through high resolution spectral sampling. We experimentally demonstrate inverted and non-inverted SOI resonator-assisted all-optical wavelength conversion at 40 Gb/s and 160 Gb/s with power penalties <3 dB.

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