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Publication detail

Authors: W. Bogaerts, Y. Zhang, H. Deng, L. Van Iseghem, Y. Liu, A. Barzanji, I. Zand, A. Ribeiro, U. Khan, K.P. Nagarjun
Title: General-Purpose Programmable Photonic Circuits
Format: International Conference Proceedings
Publication date: Accepted for publication. Not yet published
Journal/Conference/Book: IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals (invited)
Location: Bridgetown, Barbados
Citations: Look up on Google Scholar


Programmable photonic circuits bring much-needed flexibility to the world of integrated optics, making it possible to engineer more diverse functions on a single chip, and accelerate prototyping photonics for new applications. We will discuss recent progress in general-purpose programmable chip technology and the surrounding ecosystem.

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