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Journal Publications  of Sarvagya Dwivedi

All Publications of Sarvagya Dwivedi

Most cited publications of Sarvagya Dwivedi (since 2019)

19 A 2D Pixelated Optical Beam Scanner Controlled by the Laser Wavelength,
W. Bogaerts, S. Dwivedi, R. Jansen, X. Rottenberg, M.S. Dahlem,
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 27(1), doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2020.3017230 (2020)
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6 Dispersive optical phased array circuit for high-resolution pixelated 2D far-field scanning controlled by a single wavelength variable,
W. Bogaerts, M. Dahlem, S. Dwivedi, R. Jansen, X. Rottenberg,
Photonics West (OPTO) (invited), 11284, United States, p.112841Z doi:10.1117/12.2544937 (2020)
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2 III-V-on-silicon nitride narrow-linewidth tunable laser based on micro-transfer printing,
B. Pan, Jerome Bourderionnet, Vincent Billault, Arnaud Brignon, S. Dwivedi, Marcus Dahlem, Cian Cummins, Sandeep S. Saseendran, Nga Pham, Philippe Helin, Nicolas Vaissiere, Delphine Neel, Joan Ramirez, Jean Decobert, Johanna Rimbock, Ruggero Loi, Alin Fecioru, E. Soltanian, J. Zhang, B. Kuyken, G. Roelkens,
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, Th3B.5, United States, p.paper Th3B.5 (3 pages) doi:10.1364/OFC.2023.Th3B.5 (2023)
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1 Dispersive OPA at Very Near-Infrared Wavelengths,
S. Dwivedi, M. Prost, T. David Kongnyuy, J.Oe. Kjellman, X. Rottenberg, R. Jansen, W. Bogaerts, M.S. Dahlem,
IEEE Photonics Conference, p.WE3.3 doi:10.1109/IPC48725.2021.9592920 (2021)
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0 Nonreciprocal Light Propagation in a Cascaded All-Silicon Microring Modulator,
A. Pandey, S. Dwivedi, Z. Tang, Shilong Pan, D. Van Thourhout,
ACS Photonics, 8(7), p.1997-2006 doi:/10.1021/acsphotonics.1c00040 (2021)
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