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Journal Publications  of Yufei Xing

Most cited publications of Yufei Xing

50 Digitally Controlled Phase Shifter using an SOI Slot Waveguide with Liquid Crystal Infiltration,
Y. Xing, T. Ako, J. George, D. Korn, H. Yu, P. Verheyen, M. Pantouvaki, G. Lepage, P. Absil, A. Ruocco, C. Koos, J. Leuthold, K. Neyts, J. Beeckman, W. Bogaerts,
Photonics Technology Letters, 27(12), p.1269 - 1272 doi:10.1109/LPT.2015.2416438  (2015)
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50 Accurate Extraction of Fabricated Geometry Using Optical Measurement,
Y. Xing, J. Dong, S. Dwivedi, U. Khan, W. Bogaerts,
Photonics Research, 6 (11), p.1008-1020 doi:10.1364/PRJ.6.001008 (2018)
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46 Layout-Aware Variability Analysis, Yield Prediction and Optimization in Silicon Photonic Circuits,
W. Bogaerts, Y. Xing, U. Khan,
IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 25(5), p.paper 6100413 doi:10.1109/JSTQE.2019.2906271 (2019)
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28 Stochastic Collocation for Device-level Variability Analysis in Integrated Photonics,
Y. Xing, D. Spina, A. Li, T. Dhaene, W. Bogaerts,
Photonics Research, doi:10.1364/PRJ.4.000093 (2016)
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25 Tolerant, Broadband Tunable 2x2 Coupler Circuit,
M. Wang, A. Ribeiro, Y. Xing, W. Bogaerts,
Optics Express, 28(4), p.5555-5566 doi:10.1364/OE.384018 (2020)
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